by Dr. Nikki | Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesdays
Tunnels, seeing loved ones who had passed and the sensation of floating are commonly shared events for those who have had a near death experience, and in those who thought they were dying. This...
by Dr. Nikki | Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesdays
photos Have you been to Machu-Picchu? While we have never been there, Machu-Picchu seems to us a pretty special place. The link above will take you to a group of photographs taking by people who have been there to not only see it, but to experience the mystery and...
by Dr. Nikki | Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesdays
Wyrd and Wonderful Wednesday: Each week we’ll be commenting on an article about the wryd and wonderful. Intended to be fun and show how many beliefs/ideas out there, the articles will appeal to those of a spiritual or psychic path.