by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Kano is considered the Rune of Opening. Associated with light, Kano makes sure that nothing is left hidden in dark corners. Kano brings the light of the sun, the illumination of the bonfire in the darkness. Kano casts its light into the shadows and has opened new...
by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Jera is associated with the harvest; with the rewards of efforts diligently applied and purposefully acted. As the farmer prepares the soil; plants the seed, and waters, fertilizes, and cares for the growing plant he is building latent Jera energy that will spring...
by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Isa…say it out loud. It sounds like you are saying “ice-a” or “i-sa,” either way you hear the world ice. Think of the properties of ice. First, it is water in it’s frozen state. Ice can cover mountains or cool the drinks in our glass. It is cold. When we touch it we...
by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Inguz energy is the limitless energy of the seed. Whether it is the seed of an idea, or the seed of planting, the energy held within the small kernel of a seed is boundless. It truly is from the tiny acorn that the mighty oak does grow. The longest journey is started...
by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Halgalz (also Hagalaz) is one of the challenging runes in the Elder Futhark. Halgalz represents disruption. Halgalz talks of the capriciousness of the universe. It is Halgalz’s influence that causes people to say “I had the rug pulled out from under me!” Halgalz...
by Dr. Nikki | Runes
Gebo appearing in your cast today has many meanings and messages. Be sure to consider the meaning on the rune with direct understanding of the initial question. Gebo’s message is always important, so be sure to interpret it in the context of the question posed....